Tag Archives: flying

The Nightmare of Missing Your Flight

Whether you are departing for a much needed and well planned holiday or an important business trip, pretty much the worst thing that can happen is that you miss your flight. That eventuality can turn a dream into a nightmare, cost you a fortune and blow a big deal and the chances are that if you have missed the flight, it wasn’t your fault at all. Continue reading

How to Improve the Experience of Flying

Flying has become much cheaper in real terms over the last few years and it would appear that we are all doing a lot more of it. I take several flights each year and whilst things mostly go well, sometimes I find myself desperate to get off the plane! When you can fly across Europe for less than the price of a train ticket to Manchester it seems a bit churlish to complain but there are some things which could be done to improve the overall experience. The trouble is most of the problems are caused by the passengers! Continue reading